The LUX FORGE Guide to Lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds

The LUX FORGE Guide to Lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds

Lab-Grown vs. Natural Diamonds: The Sparkle Showdown

Let's cut to the chase: diamonds have captured our imaginations for centuries, but are all diamonds created equal? In the glittering world of bling, there's a new player in town - lab-grown diamonds. But before you dismiss them as cubic zirconia's fancy cousin, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of these gem rivals.

The Birth of Brilliance

Natural diamonds are like that overachiever in high school - they've been around forever and have an impressive origin story. Formed deep in the Earth's mantle under intense heat and pressure, these carbon superstars took millions of years to reach the surface. Talk about fashionably late!

Lab-grown diamonds, on the other hand, are the tech-savvy millennials of the gem world. Born in the 2010s (at least in the jewelry scene), these stones are created in labs using either the HPHT (High Pressure-High Temperature) method or the CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) process. Imagine a diamond seed (yes, that's a thing) being bombarded with carbon until it grows into a full-fledged stone. It's like growing a Chia Pet, but way more expensive.

The Shape of Things

Here's where it gets nerdy (in a cool way, we promise). Natural diamonds typically form as octahedrons with eight growth directions. Lab-grown? They're either cuboctahedral with 14 growth directions (HPHT) or cube-shaped with a single growth direction (CVD). Don't worry, this won't be on the test. 

Show Me the Money

Now, let's talk turkey. Lab-grown diamonds are the budget-friendly option, often up to 60% cheaper than their natural counterparts. It's like getting the penthouse suite at a motel price. But remember this: natural diamonds hold their value better. They're the real estate of the jewelry world, while lab-grown diamonds depreciate quicker.

Hardness: It's a Tie

Both types of diamonds score a perfect 10 on the Mohs hardness scale. So whether you're planning to cut glass or just want a ring that can withstand your clumsiest moments, both options have you covered.

The Environmental Debate

Here's where things get as murky as a diamond mine. Lab-grown diamond companies cry foul over traditional mining practices, while natural diamond advocates point fingers at the energy-guzzling lab processes. The truth? We're still waiting for an unbiased referee to call this match. The FTC has even stepped in, removing words like "environmentally friendly" from lab-grown diamond descriptions. So, for now, let's call it a draw. There are benefits and drawbacks to both options, and our jewelry professionals can have a conversation with you to help you come to a conclusion about which option is better for your budget, lifestyle and goals, 

So, Which One Should You Choose?

Here's the deal: to the naked eye (and even to most jewelers without their fancy gemology equipment), these diamonds are identical twins. Your choice boils down to three things:

1. Your budget (Champagne tastes but beer pocket? Lab-grown might be your jam.)
2. Your values (Do you prefer the romance of Earth-made or the innovation of lab-created?)
3. Your long-term plans (Planning to pass it down through generations or swap it out when trends change?)

At LUX FORGE, we're not here to tell you which to choose. We're here to make sure that whichever route you take, your diamond is as fabulous as you are. And remember, whether your diamond was born in the Earth's crust or in a Lab, it's still going to need protection.

Speaking of protection, have we mentioned our partnership with Brite.Co? Because no matter where your diamond comes from, it deserves a security detail. But that's a story for another blog post... 

Ready to dive into the world of diamonds, natural or lab-grown? Swing by LUX FORGE. We'll help you navigate the sparkling seas of gemstones and find the perfect rock to match your style, budget, and values. Because at the end of the day, the only wrong choice is walking away without something that makes you sparkle.

Read More:

The Sparkling Truth: Why Ethically Sourced Materials Are the Real Gems in Our Jewelry

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